Special Education Parent Teacher Association 145 Merle Avenue, Oceanside, NY 11572
2011 - 2012 Meeting Dates
A minimum of six meetings are held during the school year for members of SEPTA as well as other members of the community. We have guest speakers on pertinent topics that are important to our parents and teachers. SEPTA Co-Presidents meet regularly with district administrators, building principals, PTA Co- Presidents and teachers to ensure that the needs of our children are met. SEPTA encourages informal networking. Our executive board members are always available by telephone or e-mail for information, support or problem solving. Serving on the SEPTA board is a rewarding experience which enables us to make a difference in the lives of our very special children. We need your active involvement. Please contact one of our executive board members to discuss how you may become involved. Membership drives are held at the beginning of the school year. However, you may join SEPTA at anytime. Dues are used to fund speakers and programs. Strong membership fosters district wide support for our children, parents and teachers.
September 14th at School #9E “Understanding the new IEP” presented by members of the SEPTA Board
Oceanside SEPTA is proud to host Parents’ Teas! An open roundtable discussion about parenting Special Needs Children. Tea and treats will be served in this open forum. No agenda, no business meeting, just a discussion starting topic. Parents will be able to ask questions and are encouraged to join the discussion. October 6th Topic: Adjusting to the new IEP. A discussion built on the questions we receive from our website, meetings and by phone from parents. November 7th Topic: Understanding your child’s program and services. What does it all mean? January 6th Topic: Preparing for Annual Review/Understanding Goals and Benchmarks. February 6th Topic: Summer Camps, Extended School Year Services and Special Programs. March 21st Topic: What’s the next step for our children? How do we get there? April 19th Topic: The newest trends for those with Special Needs and the best success stories.
Meetings begin at 7PM. Workshops begin at 7:30PM.
October 17th at School #2 ADHD Workshop: “It’s a new year, it’s a new beginning” presented by ADHD Coach Cindy Goldrich, PTS Coaching
November 16th at School #5 Joint meeting with School #5 PTA Dyslexia / Reading Disorder
January 5th School #6 7:00pm Workshop 7:30pm: Dyslexia Speaker: Jenny Roberts
January 19th Joint meeting with PASS High School Auditorium "What is Gifted Education in Oceanside?" will include Project Extra up to AP in the high school.
February 8th 7pm OHS #7 Cafeteria Staff Appreciation Theme: Around the World in 180 Days... Please join us on February 8th at 7pm, in the Oceanside High School Cafeteria, for our Annual Staff Appreciation Celebration. Performances, Honorary Life, Distinguished Service, Awards of all kinds and our special staff are just some of the adventure to be found...we hope to see you then!
March 14th 7pm at School #3 Therapy Outside of the Box: Music Therapy, Yoga, Horseback Riding and more...
April 23rd at #9M School Budget Presentation SEPTA Board Elections
May 14th @ 7pm Mother’s Day Dinner Oceanside Fire Department Southside Hose Company 2 3615 Oceanside Road Free! All Welcome!
Oceanside SEPTA is proud to host Parents’ Teas! more info below
Parents’ Teas
At a Glance
Jenny Roberts is a Developmental Psychologist, Speech- Language-Pathologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at Hofstra University. She teaches courses on language development, language disorders, and learning disabilities. Her research focus is on the early identification and treatment of children at risk for persistent language impairments. She is a member of a team of researchers engaged in a 16-year longitudinal study examining the cognitive and linguistic precursors of developmental dyslexia. She is also interested in the language development of internationally adopted children.
June 14th @ 7pm Father’s Day Dinner Oceanside Fire Department Southside Hose Company 2 3615 Oceanside Road $10 All Welcome!
July 11th @ 12pm BBQ Planning Meeting/ Board Meeting President’s House